

Acknowledgments – We verify your identity and witness your signature on important documents such as real estate transactions, contracts, and legal forms.

Jurats – Need a sworn statement? We administer oaths and affirmations for affidavits, depositions, and other legal documents.

Oaths & Affirmations – We provide official religious oaths and secular affirmations for individuals requiring a sworn declaration.

Copy Certifications – We certify that a photocopy of an original document is a true and accurate reproduction. (Excludes vital records like birth, marriage, and death certificates.)

Signature Witnessing – We verify that an individual personally signed a document in our presence, ensuring authenticity.

Protests of Negotiable Instruments – We notarize financial documents related to dishonored checks or promissory notes.


When a notary performs a notarial act, he or she is certifying the following:

  • That when the notarial act occurred, the notary was lawfully commissioned, serving a current term, was not suspended, performed the notarization within the State of South Carolina, and that the notarization was done according to law.
  • That the person whose signature was notarized did not appear to be incompetent, lacking understanding of the transaction requiring the notarial act, or acting involuntarily, under duress, or undue influence.
  • That the notary was not prohibited from acting under the chapter governing notaries public.